
The Truth About: The Impact Of Dividend Reinvesting

There is a growing trend towards doing-it-yourself (DIY) portfolio management.  Many individual investors have become disillusioned with professional investment management at various levels, to include mutual funds as well as custom-designed professionally-managed portfolios. Consequently, they […]


The Best Use of Corporate Profit (Cash)

The focal point of this article is to discuss, and try to answer the very important questions, regarding what is the best use of corporate profits.  Should a company retain their profits and reinvest in itself, should a company buy back their stock, should they use it to fund acquisitions, reduce their debt or pay dividends? All important questions I’ll answer here with examples. […]


Part 3: How to Forecast Future Stock Returns

This article, and the two that preceded it, were offered to present how to utilize the essence of valuation coupled with earnings growth to determine returns on your common stocks. By applying the same principles that we presented and discussed in Parts 1 and 2, we can calculate within a reasonable range of predictability what our future returns might be. […]


Part 2: How to Know What Rate of Return to Expect from your Stocks

In part II we will focus on how to utilize current valuation in conjunction with earnings growth rates in order to come up with a reasonable expectation of the future total returns a stock can be expected to provide. So, the price you pay to buy the growth that the company ultimately delivers, will determine not only how much money you make, but how much risk you took to make it. […]


How To: Avoid A Penny Stock Pump and Dump

Securities fraud comes in many forms, but surely the most common scheme is the good old pump and dump. These scams have become quite complex in the modern Internet age but lucky for us they’re still fairly easy to spot.

In this post we’ll cover a few recent examples in the hopes of helping you avoid a common pitfall. […]


How To: Build a Stock Watch List

A key concept for new investors to grasp is the importance of choosing a basket of stocks and watching them like a hawk every single trading day. In this article we’ll go over a couple of methods to monitor stocks with a custom watch list and work with market data. As usual we prefer free versus paid in almost every circumstance, so all of these methods are free or cheap, and relatively easy to setup. […]


List of NASDAQ / NYSE Stock Halt Codes

A common question: “I woke up this morning to find stock XYZ corp. halted pending news. Now what?”

While a halted stock is normally the result of some pending news or other action that is expected to move its price, this is not always the case. Here is a complete list of the most common halt codes and their meaning. […]