Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Europe’s Neo Feudalism (E162)

[youtube sU4Nvv5yqVg] This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on selling Greece’s sovereignty and Spain’s El Gordo. In the second half of the show, Max talks to economist Michael Hudson about the IMF assassins sent in to destroy the Greek economy. KR on FB: […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Robbed and Securitised (E161)

[youtube PtIDKtaTz3M] This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on ‘no buyers’ at the firesale of Greek national income producing assets and on Ben Bernanke as the Taliban of finance. In the second half of the show, Max talks to economist Yanis Varoufakis about the bailout and austerity packages for Greece. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: The Counterattack! (E160)

[youtube WvUJpvxJvxE] This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on oil dumps and contango and on organizing counterattacks with silver. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Jeff Berwick of about manipulation of oil and silver markets and new currencies and dead ones. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Waterboard Bernanke Again! (E159)

[youtube 22cua-A7krk] This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on scrapyards being the new pawn shops, Chinese ground troops marching on D.C. and the real British bank exposure to bad Greek debt. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Leah McGrath Goodman about her new book: The Asylum: The Renegades Who Hijacked the World’s Oil Market […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Financial No-Go Zone (E157)

[youtube KuavFM4cIZM] This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on how to improve your self esteem with mountains of debt. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Demetri Kofinas in Athens about the global insurrection against banker occupation happening in Syntagma Square and the role of credit default swaps and mountains of debt in making that occupation possible in the first place. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Army of New Mubaraks (E156)

[youtube QNSFOiC6glg] This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on the Times Square hustlers of today, hawking wars and the weapons you need to fight those wars. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Saifedean Ammous about the economics behind the Arab Spring and how the IMF and World Bank loans will just create new Mubaraks and Ben Alis. KR on FB: […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Economic Melt-Through (E155)

[youtube ls0IapIGhjg] This week, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on financial melt-through and bad actors. In the second half of the show, Max talks to David Morgan of about Utah’s new gold and silver legislation and Gresham’s Law. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: GIABO! (E154)

[youtube qJlKl4LbeQo] This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on thieves, hustlers, bankers and a Saudi prince. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Rick Falkvinge of the Swedish Pirate Party, about copyright and hot war between hackers and NATO. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Selling Kidney for iPad (E153)

[youtube zVI4OsgXrbY] This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, present a special episode to enlighten a baffled Wall Street. They discuss selling kidneys for iPads, Saudi Arabia’s planned nuclear reactors and oil traders threatening their competition with kidnapping. […]

Max Keiser

Gaddafi’s Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains ‘Financial Terrorism’

[youtube YUkNnQE-9B4] International bankers have reportedly wasted billions of dollars invested by Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi. The Financial Times says giants like Goldman Sachs were dealing with the dictator’s investments when it needed to plug a hole during the economic crisis. Most of the money has been lost, but with what’s going on in Libya any repayment seems unlikely. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Regime Change in Greece Now! (E152)

[youtube EVbL8eWwER0] This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on the indignation, loss of national sovereignty and treason in Greece. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Gonzalo Lira of the Strategic Planning Group about whether Greece will abandon the eurozone and whether or not it is safe for anyone to remain exposed to the region. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Neo-Feudal Gulag Casino State (E151)

[youtube uHcS_UvRxCM] This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on the oil traders puking on markets and the gold confiscators eyeing Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy. In the second half of the show, Max talks to former chief forex trader for VISA, Jon Matonis of, about Bitcoin, the new peer-to-peer crypto-currency. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Gold Stands Rock Hard (E150)

[youtube CmD0s3us_vA] This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on American anger at gas prices, Middle East fears on wheat prices and the Chinese love for gold that has double in a year. In the second half of the show, Max talks to investment adviser, Ned Naylor-Leyland of Cheviot Asset Management in London, about thousand ounce silver bars and the precious metals market. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Savers vs Speculators (E149)

[youtube skwj6e9xvH8] This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on color-coded prostitutes for Munich Re, financial repression for the U.S.A. and a New World Order of growth accelerated exploding watermelons for China. In the second half of the show, Max talks to a former banker at Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns, Nomi Prins (author of It Takes a Pillage) about Matt Taibbis The People versus Goldman Sachs and about the IMF. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Suicide Banking (E148)

[youtube o3mW1eGBeoE] This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on staging bomb blasts to unravel financial markets while Zimbabwe proposes a gold backed currency. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Gregor Macdonald of about paper versus real as future growth prospects dim on declining energy resources. […]