Max Keiser

Bitcoin to money equals e=mc2 to physics: Christmas special with Russell Brand

[youtube YTkz4U9bBfk] Watch the full episode on Thursday! Keiser and Stacy Herbert visit Russell Brand at his Trews set in East London for a double header of Christmas cheer. The three discuss the big themes of 2014 and what to look forward to in 2015. They look at successful activist campaigns and not yet successful campaigns – but at the end of the day, the people have the power as the New Era Estate kicking Westbrook Partners out of London. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Ruble’s Baptism by Fire (E695)

[youtube NCY_wJCTloQ] Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert are joined by Liam Halligan of They talk rubles, sanctions and diversifying the economy with some technology investments. In the second half, Max interviews Konstantin Gurdgiev about the ruble, the Russian budget and David Cameron’s take on the causes and consequences of the crisis and sanctions. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Bubonic Plague of Finance (E694)

[youtube 7Y1z6pFzAMc] Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the arrival of the ‘shakedown times’ as our deposits and pension funds are now open to confiscation to Too Big To Fail banks in ‘resolution’…something that used to be known as ‘bankruptcy.’ In the second half Max interviews Karl Denninger about the likely oil price collapse impact on credit markets and the “Adequacy of Loss-Absorbing Capacity of Global Systemically Important Banks in Resolution”…say what? And, finally, the discuss the latest shenanigans from Jamie Dimon who lobbied to roll back certain Dodd Frank provisions regarding derivatives. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Oil can combust & blow it all (E693)

[youtube vvtT8wj5vHw] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the blood-bathing in the oil related markets – from the Dubai stock exchange to the West Australian fracking company gone bust to some of the highest paid jobs in America being laid off. In the second half Max interviews former banker turned independent media star, Brian Rose of London Real TV and Silicon Real. They discuss whether or not London can ever be a new Silicon Valley. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Debt Meteor Approaching Earth (E692)

[youtube QgcuDaPGdQ8] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert believe that ‘something’s gotta give’ as the real world continues to tumble while equity markets continue rising – and not everyone is ‘lovin’ it.’ They also compare the debt curse to the oil curse. In the second half, Max interviews equity crowdfunding pioneer, Simon Dixon of, about the latest in CrowdFunding 2.0 as both the political and financial space is disintermediated. WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-600) (E601-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Real Reasons behind UK Porn Law (E691)

[youtube a36eKZw0xY4] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert look at the ‘death eaters’ and ‘deglobalizers’ longing for suffering by ordinary people, especially if the ruling elite can’t be the guaranteed winners. They look at currency crisis due to balance of payments and deglobalization and those cheering it on. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Fracking, Fascism & Market Failure (E690)

[youtube jhsk61x7z-o] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the motto of the modern financial markets: “my word is my bond, but my bond is your problem.” As the yield-chasers have piled into the junk bond market in the past few years of ZIRP, this could spell big trouble for the fracking sector as oil prices plunge. In the second half Max chats to the CEO of, Stephen Pair. They discuss Foxtrot – a project that hopes to do for networks what bitcoin did for currency – and also about the latest in bitcoin, internet 2.0 and regulations […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Unjust Road to Independence (E689)

[youtube Bc7Urzm0QE8] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert look at the injustice which may lead to independence, from “embarrassed” RBS bankers getting away with mortgage fraud to the Washington DC police department scheduling future Civil Asset Forfeitures to meet budget requirements. In the second half, Max continues his interview with Chris Powell of GATA about negative GOFO rates in the gold market. WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-600) (E601-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Dutch Gold Repatriation (E688)

[youtube Vj4sWc2xh-Q] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert are joined by Liam Halligan of Business New Europe ( to discuss Martin Wolf’s analytical article in the Financial Times about the “radical measures” needed to combat our “unusual economic ills.” They also discuss Max’s response, published as the lead “Letters” item in the FT. In the second half, Max interviews Chris Powell of GATA about the failed Swiss Gold Initiative, the successful Dutch repatriation of 122 tons of gold and about the negative GOFO rates in the gold market. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Russell Brand for London Mayor! (E687)

[youtube nJWswpmSGrE] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the fact that Britain’s days as a haven of political, economic stability are numbered and everyone is saying it. Also numbered, are America’s days as the so-called ‘United States of Arabia’ as oil price wars put the heat on shale oil producers. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Vanity Pharaohs (E686)

[youtube bDq1fbsfN4A] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the modern age of the Pharaoh and price and profit are no longer considered when undertaking a project – such as shale gas fracking. They also discuss the UK selling off state assets in the name of ‘privatisation’ and yet it is state owned companies in Europe buying up the assets. In the second half Max interviews Mike Murphy and Tiago Lourenco about their crowdfunded cryptobullion projects for MaxCoin and StartCOIN. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Goodbye, Wealth! (E685)

[youtube xPTEGISNIII] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the fact that we are all Jack Johnson now – bankrupted by those we trust or, in the case of the central banks – distrust – all in the name of property speculation and other non-wealth producing speculative pursuits. In the second half Max interviews the founder of Nanex, Eric Hunsader, about high frequency trading, market making and scalping markets. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Financial Engineering (E684)

[youtube YWdC2SEExYs] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the fact that there are no fundamentals, only financial engineering which is too bad for a real world with a real environment and real people who need to eat. In the second half Max interviews author and journalist, Robert Chalmers, about the corporate lynching of Gary Webb, the journalist who uncovered the CIA’s role in the drugs trade. WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-600) (E601-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Cemented UK Generation (E683)

[youtube Bvq_AuCUfRY] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the heavens being taken by force rather than by consensus as Podemos rises as a political force in Spain and, in the UK, students plead for David Cameron to be gentle with them. In the second half Max interviews John Mill Ackerman, law professor and editor-in-chief of the Mexican Law Review, about the protests in Mexico, the economic ‘reforms’ which partially led to the unrest and the new oil law and what it means for social programmes in Mexico. WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-600) (E601-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Kim Kardashian’s Bottom as Model of UK Economy (E682)

[youtube VicMW5P4GN4] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss David Cameron doubling down on failure as ‘global recession looms.’ With a fair and balanced view at Cameron’s claims of ‘paying down government debt,’ Max and Stacy concede that national debt growing from £580 billion in 2007 to £1,400 billion today could, using certain accounting tricks, be seen as the shrinking debt load. In the second half Max interviews Reggie Middleton of and about the block chain, the tech sector and more. WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-600) (E601-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Big Problem? Regulators! (E681)

[youtube g33pnnP-YOM] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss precious metals manipulation in Switzerland and the costs of the never-ending banking fraud – from the ‘suffering and life long risks’ to children in Europe and beyond to the rising cost of food hitting lower income consumers. In the second half Max interviews Alasdair Macleod about gold, China, QE and the economy. […]

Max Keiser

Bankers by nature are criminals

[youtube HoF0D4GFsD0] Watch the full Keiser Report: Tuesday In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss precious metals manipulation in Switzerland and the costs of the never-ending banking fraud – from the ‘suffering and life long risks’ to children in Europe and beyond to the rising cost of food hitting lower income consumers. In the second half Max interviews Alasdair Macleod about gold, China, QE and the economy. WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-600) (E601-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: ‘Numpty’ Taxes (E680)

[youtube Bj1qIBu78w8] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss ‘numpty’ taxes and ‘stupid’ Ireland as bankers and central bankers treat everyone else like the ‘muppets’ they believe we are. They also discuss Angela Merkel refusing to meet with Timothy Geithner and how it is that QE is causing deflation. In the second half, Max interviews Matt Taibbi about his Rolling Stone exclusive on the JP Morgan whistleblower, Alayne Fleischmann, who was interviewed in the previous episode of the Keiser Report. […]