Max Keiser

Monkeys & Cocaine: HSBC money laundering case

[youtube IO4KRUnipNM] Watch the full Keiser Report 379 on Thursday. In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert look at HSBC being fined rather than criminally charged in order to avoid destabilizing the system, while JP Morgan and others are being sued for about a trillion in bad mortgages investors were duped into buying. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Whammies of Wall St. Witches (E378)

[youtube S7ML74rOXlw] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert look at the latest BIS warning of a global credit bubble caused by zero percent interest rate policies meant to appease the angry hidden people in the shadow banking system. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to David Smith of about the Swiss currency peg, the global game of honesty limbo in the financial sector and hoping that midnight never comes for Alice in Switzer-land. Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: Watch all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios […]

Max Keiser

The Mother of All Collapses

[youtube jc3GSdIxaGs] Watch the full Keiser Report 378 on Tuesday In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert look at the latest BIS warning of a global credit bubble caused by zero percent interest rate policies meant to appease the angry hidden people in the shadow banking system. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to David Smith of about the Swiss currency peg, the global game of honesty limbo in the financial sector and hoping that midnight never comes for Alice in Switzer-land. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Hollywood Accounting (E377)

[youtube V0SruPRXceg] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert look at how Hollywood accounting has turned the global financial system into one in which money and wealth melt like so much congealed snow. And so from Pontiac, Michigan to the Australian outback, zero percent interest rates and jobs that never materialize are the new normal. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Scum & Snooki (E376)

[youtube eWBOfpVCudA] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert peer into the British future and see a future of scum villages and royal baby Snookies as Bank of England executive, Andy Haldane, says the loss of income caused by banks is as bad as World War 2. The Artist Taxi Driver explains what austerity means to the UK. […]

Max Keiser

Recession Robbery: ‘George Osborne should be arrested!’

[youtube kHBmZXyX2jc] Watch the full Keiser Report E376 on Thursday n this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert peer into the British future and see a future of scum villages and royal baby Snookies as Bank of England executive, Andy Haldane, says the loss of income caused by banks is as bad as World War 2. The Artist Taxi Driver explains what austerity means to the UK. And, while admitting the nation’s wealth has been lost to banker crimes, the cover up continues as Lord Stevenson, formerly of HBOS, claims it was mere incompetence that saw the bank nearly collapse. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: TINA’s Big Black Hole (E375)

[youtube g5i1oPxb68o] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert investigate the black hole of debt sucking in our economies, jobs and wealth like strings of spaghetti past the economic event horizon. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Ned Naylor-Leyland of Cheviot Asset Management about the fishy smoke signals blowing at the LBMA regarding silver contracts and about the debate between inflation, deflation, hyperinflation actually being a debate about the final denouement of paper currencies. Ned also reveals that BBC’s flagship programme, Panorama, had interviewed him and Andrew Maguire about silver manipulation and yet have never aired the episode. […]

Max Keiser

What’s eating the global economy?

[youtube Lu-72WrXqng] Watch the full Keiser Report E375 on Tuesday. In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert investigate the black hole of debt sucking in our economies, jobs and wealth like strings of spaghetti past the economic event horizon. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Insect-Like Humans (E374)

[youtube 1KTaka00MDU] In this episode, Max Keiser urges “Sami don’t pay,” challenges the anti-anti-fragile Nassim Taleb to a black swan event and coins a new phrase, ‘insectual,’ to describe the increasing insect like behavior of humans online and in markets. Keiser and Stacy Herbert also discuss GATA getting attention in Austria where the central bank is haplessly looking for its alleged gold. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Andy Bichlbaum of the Yes Men about their new film, The Yes Men are Revolting and about Action Switchboard and the war against anti-corporate activism […]

Max Keiser

Devil’s Greatest Trick – Central Banks Should Exist

[youtube hQozHYMIGSM] Watch the full Keiser Report E 374 on Saturday! In this episode, Max Keiser urges “Sami don’t pay,” challenges the anti-anti-fragile Nassim Taleb to a black swan event and coins a new phrase, ‘insectual,’ to describe the increasing insect like behavior of humans online and in markets. Keiser and Stacy Herbert also discuss GATA getting attention in Austria where the central bank is haplessly looking for its alleged gold. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Andy Bichlbaum of the Yes Men about their new film, The Yes Men are Revolting and about Action Switchboard and the war against anti-corporate activism. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Hermaphrodite Banking (E373)

[youtube USSBPBMgWTc] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert welcome Mark Carney to the City of London freak show at which Max predicts that Carney will play the bearded hermaphrodite who devalues the pound by 25 percent and yet only manages to introduce an ice age of economic growth. Max and Stacy also compare the rebels robbing the central bank in Goma to the Goldman Sachs takeover of central banks in Europe. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to professor and author, Andrew Ross, about the ‘angel capitalists’ striking debt across America and about the historic Black Friday strike at Walmart. […]

Max Keiser

Banksters see no evil, hear no evil…do evil

[youtube X0segOStESA] Watch the full Keiser Report E373 on Thursday! In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert welcome Mark Carney to the City of London freak show at which Max predicts that Carney will play the bearded hermaphrodite who devalues the pound by 25 percent and yet only manages to introduce an ice age of economic growth. Max and Stacy also compare the rebels robbing the central bank in Goma to the Goldman Sachs takeover of central banks in Europe. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to professor and author, Andrew Ross, about the ‘angel capitalists’ striking debt across America and about the historic Black Friday strike at Walmart […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: God Hates Bankers (E372)

[youtube k9qdVBlKwq4] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the water and fire signalling the arrival of the paper apocalypse as ever more analysts warn of the debt and credit bubble as governments put their faith in share traders who, a new study shows, are more manipulative than psychopaths. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to professor and economist, Steve Keen, about the fiscal cliff and private sector deleveraging. They also discuss the possibility of a currency collapse in Japan. […]

Max Keiser

Max Keiser, Horseman of City Apocalypse

[youtube QNh69LWKhi8] Watch the full Keiser Report E372 later today. In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the water and fire signalling the arrival of the paper apocalypse as ever more analysts warn of the debt and credit bubble as governments put their faith in share traders who, a new study shows, are more manipulative than psychopaths. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to professor and economist, Steve Keen, about the fiscal cliff and private sector deleveraging. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Colossal Collapse Coming! (E371)

[youtube uZr9G7s2zBQ] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert note that the bell has rung for the bond market top as one of the biggest private equity funds in the world is seeking ‘ordinary’ investors to assume their long term interest rate risk. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Ian Williams of Charteris Treasury Portfolio Managers about his forecast for silver prices to rise five fold in the next 3 three years while US Treasury bonds and UK gilts will face collapse. Ian Williams also suggests that it is commercial banks rather than central banks that will return us to a new style of gold standard […]

Max Keiser

In Debt and Turning into a Zombie

[youtube BPXuQRhbrFo] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert note that the bell has rung for the bond market top as one of the biggest private equity funds in the world is seeking ‘ordinary’ investors to assume their long term interest rate risk. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Ian Williams of Charteris Treasury Portfolio Managers about his forecast for silver prices to rise five fold in the next 3 three years while US Treasury bonds and UK gilts will face collapse. […]

Max Keiser

In Debt and Turning into Zombie

[youtube BPXuQRhbrFo] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert note that the bell has rung for the bond market top as one of the biggest private equity funds in the world is seeking ‘ordinary’ investors to assume their long term interest rate risk. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Ian Williams of Charteris Treasury Portfolio Managers about his forecast for silver prices to rise five fold in the next 3 three years while US Treasury bonds and UK gilts will face collapse. Ian Williams also suggests that it is commercial banks rather than central banks that will return us to a new style of gold standard […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Shadow Banking (E370)

[youtube XliTvxqTtsE] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert ask, “who knows what evil lurks in the heart of the global financial system?” And find the answer is that “the Shadow banking system knows!” The shadow banking system has grown to $67 trillion and has the power to cloud men’s minds so they cannot see the fraud. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Jan Skoyles of the Real Asset Company about clients wanting to park their gold in Singapore and about what is happening in the gold market in China. […]

Max Keiser

What Evil Lurks In the World of Finance?

[youtube yKW6uJdCT7U] Watch the full Keiser Report E370 on Thursday. In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert ask, “who knows what evil lurks in the heart of the global financial system?” And find the answer is that “the Shadow banking system knows!” The shadow banking system has grown to $67 trillion and has the power to cloud men’s minds so they cannot see the fraud. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Jan Skoyles of the Real Asset Company about clients wanting to park their gold in Singapore and about what is happening in the gold market in China. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Twinkies, Finance, Scandal (E369) (3rd Anniversary Edition)

[youtube 7ujlvi8ECD8] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert present a success story for the three year anniversary of the Keiser Report and that is that the banksters are going the way of Twinkies, Ho Ho’s and Ding Dongs – OUT OF BUSINESS! And just as the junk food and fake bread of the Hostess products caused obesity and diabetes in Americans, so too did the junk bonds and toxic derivatives of the bankers and central bankers cause a flabby, obese and diabetic finance sector in London and New York. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Ross Ashcroft, writer and director of FOUR HORSEMEN, about why many people didn’t see the financial crisis and what can be done to regain control of the financial system. […]