Max Keiser

Chevron committing eco-holocaust in Amazonian jungle

[youtube 3QAJdsUpALI] Watch the full Keiser Report E523 later today. In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss people fighting for the last dregs of the mud pie of state benefits while a new Investor State emerges contactable only if you can find their unmanned customer service line. In the second half, Max interviews author and gold bug, Dominic Frisby about his new book – Life After the State […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Troika Occupiers (E522)

[youtube MNXmL771mBA] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss drinking the kool aid (never mind the cyanide) while the young and unemployed of Ireland are encouraged to emigrate by government economists determined to flatter their Troika stats. In the second half, Max interviews author and investor, Peter Schiff, about inflation in fraud as governments want a cut of financial crimes and the trickle down monetary policy ponzi scheme. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Troika Occupiers (E522) (ft. Peter Schiff)

[youtube MNXmL771mBA] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss drinking the kool aid (never mind the cyanide) while the young and unemployed of Ireland are encouraged to emigrate by government economists determined to flatter their Troika stats. In the second half, Max interviews author and investor, Peter Schiff, about inflation in fraud as governments want a cut of financial crimes and the trickle down monetary policy ponzi scheme. FOLLOW Max Keiser on Twitter: WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. […]

Max Keiser

Max Keiser: US/EU deal makes genocide legitimate business mode

[youtube vNR4l8pm3Zk] A single market for Europe and America means not just regulatory differences between the two sides will be removed – but it’s claimed big business will also be able to overrule the will of governments. However, the EU is promised big benefits – of 119 billion euros annually. RT discussed this Max Keiser, and he was very critical about the deal. […]

Max Keiser

Peter Schiff & Max Keiser talk of greatest Ponzi of our time

[youtube ap0-gn8vCmw] Watch the full Keiser Report Episode 522 on Tuesday! In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss drinking the kool aid (never mind the cyanide) while the young and unemployed of Ireland are encouraged to emigrate by government economists determined to flatter their Troika stats. In the second half, Max interviews author and investor, Peter Schiff, about inflation in fraud as governments want a cut of financial crimes and the trickle down monetary policy ponzi scheme. FOLLOW Max Keiser on Twitter: WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Net Worth Enemas & Monetizing Bulimia (E521)

[youtube p9YoploM9kU] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss net worth enemas and monetizing bulimia in an economy in which the central bank QE beatings will continue until morale improves. In the second half, Max interviews Zac Goldsmith, a Member of Parliament for Richmond Park, about the danger of boycotting democracy, which is that it is guaranteed to take you away from democracy. In response to such anti-democracy sentiments, Zac has launched an e-petition to introduce a proper Recall mechanism for MPs. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Debtonomics of Suicide (520)

[youtube FZnU1tD8Y_g] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert burning matches at stall speed as the US is now producing as much new debt as goods and services and the rate of currency dilution exceeds the rate of production growth. And what happens when an Empire hits ‘stall speed?’ They plunder and steal from workers and savers through inflation; or through the NSA ‘surveillance.’ In the second half, Max interviews Wolf Richter about the ongoing and escalating economic fallout from the NSA spying scandal. FOLLOW Max Keiser on Twitter: WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Debtonomics of Suicide (E520)

[youtube FZnU1tD8Y_g] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert burning matches at stall speed as the US is now producing as much new debt as goods and services and the rate of currency dilution exceeds the rate of production growth. And what happens when an Empire hits ‘stall speed?’ They plunder and steal from workers and savers through inflation; or through the NSA ‘surveillance.’ In the second half, Max interviews Wolf Richter about the ongoing and escalating economic fallout from the NSA spying scandal. FOLLOW Max Keiser on Twitter: WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios […]

Max Keiser

Banksters time traveling bonus stealers

[youtube Pk6RZAdOoOg] Watch the full Keiser Report episode 520: Thursday In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert burning matches at stall speed as the US is now producing as much new debt as goods and services and the rate of currency dilution exceeds the rate of production growth. And what happens when an Empire hits ‘stall speed?’ They plunder and steal from workers and savers through inflation; or through the NSA ‘surveillance.’ In the second half, Max interviews Wolf Richter about the ongoing and escalating economic fallout from the NSA spying scandal. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: State Sanction Profits (E519)

[youtube 2QBSkWbQA1c] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, “remember, remember it’s yet again the 5th of November and banksters and conmen still rule” whether with Obamacare’s privatization of healthcare or private equity as the new slumlord toll collectors. In the second half, Max interviews Charles Hugh Smith about peak retirement, peak jobs and the chances of China holding the next reserve currency. […]

Max Keiser

Karma Cycle: America open air prison like Gaza

[youtube PuvmLK7Y3Zk] Watch the full Keiser Report episode 519: Tuesday In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, “remember, remember it’s yet again the 5th of November and banksters and conmen still rule” whether with Obamacare’s privatization of healthcare or private equity as the new slumlord toll collectors. In the second half, Max interviews Charles Hugh Smith about peak retirement, peak jobs and the chances of China holding the next reserve currency. FOLLOW Max Keiser on Twitter: WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Gutter Debt (E518)

[youtube y0lgZSCJtbQ] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss gutter oil and gutter debt providing the same toxic function. They also ask whether if snooker table sized properties are being sold in London then should World Snooker champion, Ronnie O’Sullivan, head the British economy? In the second half, Max interviews journalist and anti-bondholder bailout activist, Diarmuid O’Flynn about taking a stance against bailing out unsecured bondholders in Ireland […]

Max Keiser

Inside Bank of England vaults: Trash & corpses

[youtube 3Cm_yQ4ATUI] Watch the full Keiser Report episode 518 on Saturday! In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss gutter oil and gutter debt providing the same toxic function. They also ask whether if snooker table sized properties are being sold in London then should World Snooker champion, Ronnie O’Sullivan, head the British economy? In the second half, Max interviews journalist and anti-bondholder bailout activist, Diarmuid O’Flynn about taking a stance against bailing out unsecured bondholders in Ireland. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Red Queen Syndrome (E517)

[youtube GvTzMHCeiZA] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss the Red Queen syndrome of running to stay in the same place – from money printing to fracking, more and more capital and energy are deployed just to stay economically even. In the second half, Max interviews Gregor Macdonald of about fracking, tight oil and the mythical future in which America is an oil giant – especially if oil prices EVER fall below $80 per barrel. […]

Max Keiser

Invisible Implosion: Fraud sucking in more fraud

[youtube S4MWrHfWMFY] Watch the full Keiser Report episode 517 later today! In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss the Red Queen syndrome of running to stay in the same place – from money printing to fracking, more and more capital and energy are deployed just to stay economically even. In the second half, Max interviews Gregor Macdonald of about fracking, tight oil and the mythical future in which America is an oil giant – especially if oil prices EVER fall below $80 per barrel. FOLLOW Max Keiser on Twitter: WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Bitcoin – Resistance Starts Here! (E516)

[youtube A2Cjo7CHh6w] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss the revolutionary solution that takes money and power from those who hate and gives it to those who will no longer wait for celebrities and pundits to cogitate, agitate and debate whether or not wristbands and hashtags – oh so quaint – can stop the plunder and pillage by the conmen, hucksters, and banksters backed by the state. Yes, bitcoin. The currency is already creating economic value across Africa, China and the developing world while Brits destroy economic value by moving their money into yet another corrupt bank. […]

Max Keiser

Revolution Solution: Bitcoin!

[youtube 2STUU3M4U3Y] Watch the full Keiser Report: Tuesday In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss the revolutionary solution that takes money and power from those who hate and gives it to those who will no longer wait for celebrities and pundits to cogitate, agitate and debate whether or not wristbands and hashtags – oh so quaint – can stop the plunder and pillage by the conmen, hucksters, and banksters backed by the state. Yes, bitcoin. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Silent but Violent Emissions (E515)

[youtube zoSuuxb70Ys] In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss the impossibility of tapering a ponzi scheme, Alan Greenspan’s return to the hot airwaves and why QE has failed. In the second half, Max interviews Trond Andresen, a lecturer in control systems at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, about a digital crisis currency or bitcoin as a solution to a man-made disaster like Greece. FOLLOW Max Keiser on Twitter: WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. […]

Max Keiser

High-tech pants won’t help banksters

[youtube IIlzIZ1qIQ8] Watch the full Keiser Report E515 on Saturday! In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss the impossibility of tapering a ponzi scheme, Alan Greenspan’s return to the hot airwaves and why QE has failed. In the second half, Max interviews Trond Andresen, a lecturer in control systems at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, about a digital crisis currency or bitcoin as a solution to a man-made disaster like Greece. […]