Media Ninja: Max Keiser launches unofficial revolution against Fox News propaganda

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Almost 5,000 dollars were raised on-line to put up huge signs pointing out what an idiot Sean Hannity is. The billboards accuse the Fox News host of intellectual terrorism. Max Keiser who helped produce the crowdfunded project and Russell Brand have launched an unofficial revolution against Fox News propaganda, pro-war agenda and ties with corporations and media.


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.

Max Keiser is a former broker and options trader but more recently a respected news and market analysis pundit. He appears on independent media networks like RTT and AL Jazerra and is well known for uncovering cronyism and predicting major trends on his show the Keiser Report. Videos provided by and © Max Keiser or RTT.

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