Accounting Firm Gettry Marcus CPA, P.C.Shares Information About Deducting Business Entertainment Expenses

Accounting Firm Gettry Marcus CPA, P.C.Shares Information About Deducting Business Entertainment Expenses

Gettry Marcus CPA, P.C., a leading accounting, tax, consulting and business valuation firm, shares information regarding deducible business entertainment expenses.

PR Newswire

WOODBURY, N.Y., May 30, 2014 /PRNewswire-iReach/ — Gettry Marcus CPA, P.C., a leading accounting, tax, consulting and business valuation firm,shares information about deducting business entertainment expenses.

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Code Sec. 162 permits a business to deduct its ordinary and necessary expenses tocarry on the business. However, Code Sec. 274 restricts the deduction of entertainment expenses incurred for business by disallowing expenses of entertainment activities and entertainment facilities. Many expenses are totally disallowed; other amounts, if allowed under Code Sec. 274, are limited to 50 percent of the expense.

The income tax regulations define entertainment as any activity of a type generally considered to be entertainment, amusement, or recreation, such as entertaining at night clubs, lounges, theaters, country clubs, golf and athletic clubs, and sports events, as well as hunting, fishing, vacation and similar trips. There are special rules for the costs of facilities used to entertain the customer, such as a boat or a country club membership. Dues or fees for any social, athletic or sporting club or organization are treated as items involving facilities.

Deduction allowed

Expenses are allowed if the expense was either “directly related” to the active conduct of the taxpayer’s trade or business, or “associated with” the conduct of the trade or business. An activity is “associated with” business if the activity directly precedes or follows a substantial and bona fide business discussion.

Entertainment expenses are not directly related to the business if the activity occurred under circumstances with little or no possibility of engaging in the active conduct of the trade or business. These circumstances include an activity where the distractions are substantial, such as a meeting or discussion at a night club, theater, or sporting event. However, taking a customer to a meal at a restaurant or for drinks at a bar can be considered conducive to a business discussion, if there are no substantial distractions to a discussion.

Substantial business discussion

For expenses that are either directly related to or associated with business, the taxpayer must establish that the he or she conducted a substantial and bona fide business discussion with the customer. The IRS has said that there is no specified length for a discussion to be substantial; all facts and circumstances will be considered. The discussion is substantial if the active conduct of the business was the principal character of the combined business and entertainment activity, but it is not necessary that more time be devoted to business than to entertainment.

For an activity that is associated with, the discussion can directly precede or follow the activity. For a discussion to be directly before or after the activity, it generally must be on the same day as the activity. However, facts and circumstances may allow the entertainment and the discussion to be on consecutive days, for example if the customer is from out of town.

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Gettry Marcus CPA, P.C. is a top New York City and Long Island CPA firm with offices in Woodbury, Long Island and New York City. We provide accounting, tax, and consulting services to commercial businesses, high net worth individuals and various industries which include real estate and health care. We have one of the premier and most credentialed business valuation, litigation and forensic accounting groups in the New York Area. Our experience in diverse industries and a highly talented and experienced professional staff gives us the ability to share valuable insights into our clients’ businesses, to better understand their goals and problems and to help them attain the vision they have for their company.

Gettry Marcus is “Always Looking Deeper” to build value for our clients.

Media inquiries: Contact FayellenDietchweiler at 516-364-3390 ext. 225 or at


Media Contact: Fayellen Dietchweiler, Gettry Marcus CPA, P.C., 516-364-3390 x 225,

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SOURCE Gettry Marcus CPA, P.C.

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