Ranger International Buyout Recognized as Deal of the Decade by “The M&A Advisor” Magazine Awards

Ranger International Buyout Recognized as Deal of the Decade by “The M&A Advisor” Magazine Awards

PR Newswire

GREENVILLE, S.C., Jan. 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Ranger International Services Group, a private equity consolidator specializing in technical services, has been honored by The M&A Advisor magazine for its acquisition of US Logistics. The merger of US Logistics into Ranger International was deemed one of the “Deals of the Decade” by an independent panel that reviewed 389 nationwide finalists in each of 41 categories.

The transaction combining US Logistics with Ranger International originally won The M&A Advisor’s Deal of the Year Award in 2009, for a lower middle market sized merger. US Logistics, Inc., is a North Carolina company specializing in the maintenance, modification, and overhaul of tactical vehicles and aircraft. The “Deals of the Decade” celebration served as the grand opening reception to the 2011 M&A Advisor Summit, featuring the 10th Annual M&A Awards Gala. This event brought together leading dealmakers and M&A thought leaders for an exclusive assembly in New York on December 12th and 13th.

The M&A Advisor announced the winners of the 10th Annual M&A Advisor Awards to a lively, sold-out crowd at the New York Athletic Club on Tuesday, December 13. The gala is the premier celebration of the year for the industry’s leading dealmakers. The 10th Annual Awards event was held in conjunction with the 2011 M&A Advisor Summit that featured over 400 of the industry’s leading M&A professionals.

“The award winners represent the best of the M&A industry in 2011 and earned these honors by standing out in a group of very impressive finalists,” said Roger Aguinaldo, CEO and Founder of The M&A Advisor. “From the lower middle market transaction to the multi-billion Deal of the Year, we are recognizing the leading transactions, firms and individuals that represent the highest levels of performance.”

The award was accepted by Generational Equity, the investment bank that assisted Ranger International with the merger. Tom Staszak was Generational Equity’s lead managing director for the merger, facilitating the sale of US Logistics. Ranger’s advisors on the transaction included the Wyche law firm of Greenville, SC, the Patton Boggs law firm in Washington, D.C., and the national accounting firm RSM McGladrey. Senior financing for Ranger International’s growth is provided by Bank of America.

Ranger International is the latest private equity consolidation platform launched and managed by Ranger Aerospace LLC. Other previous large-scale private equity successes by Ranger Aerospace include ASIG (Aircraft Service International Group, Inc., www.asig.com), and Keystone Helicopter (www.keystonehelicopter.com). Those platforms were built-up to substantial critical mass through aggressive internal growth and add-on acquisitions, then ultimately sold to huge strategic buyers. Each has since grown to even larger scale, as segment-leading brands. Ranger’s previous ventures have employed as many as 4,250 employees, with operations at as many as 56 airfields and operating sites in North America and Europe. Ranger’s management effectiveness has manifested in award-winning quality and superior IRR returns in “realized” investments.

Steve Townes, Ranger Aerospace founder and CEO of Ranger International Services Group said: For Ranger to be recognized this way by leading experts in the industry is a real honor. This merger, which we closed during some very troubling economic conditions in 2009, shows the skill and experience of our leadership team, investors, and advisors. The ongoing growth and success of the combined enterprise is because of the outstanding and dedicated performance of our 1,000 excellent, well trained employees.” Ranger International’s Chief Financial Officer is Jeffrey Hartman, and the Chief Operating Officer is Bill McLendon; both are significant shareholders, and veterans of previous Ranger ventures.

Ranger International Services Group operates in three steadily growing sectors: Aviation Services, Logistics Services, and Engineering Services. The firm employs approximately 1,000 professionals at numerous US and overseas locations. This venture is the latest platform investment of Ranger Aerospace LLC and its private equity co-investors. Institutional investors include First New England Capital, Argosy Capital, and Plexus Capital. Ranger Aerospace LLC and the senior executive team of the enterprise are substantial shareholders. The company recently announced an important new international growth venture called Ranger Saudia.

Ranger Aerospace, founded in early 1997, is a privately held investment and management holding company that partners with larger private equity institutions to acquire and grow companies in aviation services and aerospace/defense support operations. Ranger and its co-investors add value to acquired companies via seasoned veterans experienced in an array of aerospace/defense operations, business services, and private equity. The headquarters office is in Greenville, S.C. For more information, please visit www.rangerinternational.com, www.cavinternational.com, www.us-L.com, www.rangertechworks.com, and www.rangeraerospace.com. Additional information about Ranger’s newest international pursuit can be found at www.rangersaudia.com.

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SOURCE Ranger Aerospace

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