The Reverend Luis Cortes, Jr. Attends Creation Care Conference at Windsor Castle, London

The Reverend Luis Cortes, Jr. Attends Creation Care Conference at Windsor Castle, London

PR Newswire

PHILADELPHIA, July 26, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — On Tuesday, July 26, 2011, the Reverend Luis Cortes, Jr. returned from London, England, where he was a guest of The Honorable Right Reverend James Jones, Bishop of Liverpool, at a consultation concerning environmental issues, climate change, and sustainable agriculture. Reverend Cortes engaged in discussion about climate change and sustainability with a focus on how to connect Hispanic communities to the issue.

Reverend Cortes was lodged at St. George’s House at Windsor Castle for the duration of the Creation Care Conference, which was hosted by Reverend Dr. Chris Wright from John Stott Ministries on behalf of the Bishop of Liverpool. Over the course of three days, about 20 religious leaders from the United States and England met with internationally renowned scientists specializing in biology, botany, ecology, and genetics, such as Sir John Houghton, co-chair of the Nobel Peace Prize winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) scientific assessment working group; Sir Ghillean Prance, acclaimed biologist and the former director of the Royal Botanical Gardens; and R.J. (Sam) Berry, Emeritus Professor of Genetics at University College, London.

Conference events included a visit to Highgrove Organic Gardens, located at the private estate of the Prince of Wales, where conference participants toured the property and learned about recycling and composting efforts. Participants also met with the Prince of Wales at his residence, and Reverend Cort s had the opportunity to speak with him about the particular interests of the Hispanic community. Specifically, they discussed the need to involve the Hispanic faith community more intensively in environmental initiatives, and the Prince of Wales expressed interest in exploring ways to assist Esperanza in that effort.

Esperanza will respond to the challenge presented by the leadership of England, and will continue to explore ways to partner with England‘s governing bodies, scientists, and religious leaders. Rev Cortes stated, “Esperanza will redouble its efforts to engage the Hispanic population on this important issue, to foster dialogue, disseminate information, and promote sustainable practices in Hispanic communities. We are grateful to our colleagues around the world who are working to preserve our planet and its resources, for the sake of our collective good.”

ABOUT THE REVEREND LUIS CORTES JR & ESPERANZA: Reverend Luis Cortes is president of Esperanza, the largest Hispanic Evangelical faith-based organization in the country. With a national network of over 12,000 Hispanic congregations, faith and community based agencies, Esperanza is a leading voice for Hispanics in America.

ABOUT ESPERANZA’S CLIMATE CHANGE INITIATIVE: Esperanza launched their climate change initiative at the 2008 National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast and Conference, with the mission that we are called as God’s people to care for the creation he has given to us to inhabit. The conversation about the environment and “going green” often happens in exclusive circles that do not include low-income or minority people.

SOURCE Esperanza USA

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