Max Keiser speaks to Athens Lawyers Association

[youtube BizrgYE5sF0]

Other attendees: Mr. George Sourlas, Ex-President of Greek Parliament; Mr. Ioannis Adamopoulous, President of Athens Lawyers Association; Mr. Ioannis Sakas, Prosecutor General at Athens Court; Mr. Ioannis Athanasiou, President of Prosecutors and Judges Association; Mr. Nikos Xidiroglou Giournalist, Panel Coordinator This is an abridged version of talk Max gave to a group of lawyers suing derivatives dealers and government officials in Greece for financial fraud. There was much (very loud) translation and some audio problems that I cut out. The rest of the panel spoke in Greek. I will post those when I can for Greek speakers.

Max Keiser is a former broker and options trader but more recently a respected news and market analysis pundit. He appears on independent media networks like RTT and AL Jazerra and is well known for uncovering cronyism and predicting major trends on his show the Keiser Report. Videos provided by and © Max Keiser or RTT.

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