TowerJazz Eyes Record Revenue (TSEM)


Ken Nagy, CFA

TowerJazz Eyes Record Revenue

On June 13, 2011 TowerJazz (TSEM) forecast quarterly revenue to be between $136 million and $142 million. Should the firm hit the mid-range of the forecast it would be record high and represents a 15% increase from $120.6 million in the first quarter and 11% growth year-over-year.

TowerJazz is a pure-play semiconductor wafer foundry with two IC plants in Israel and one in California, that manufacture SiGe, MEMS, RF, embedded flash-based memory, analog/mixed-signal, and CMOS image-sensor devices. Over the past year the firm has been building capacity due to accelerated design-win momentum, which have been realized within a large group of diversified, global customers, many of which being market share and technology platform leaders for their respective markets.

The firm is now enjoying a substantial ramp in volume productions that were signed in the 2008-2009 time frame. In general the time frame from design win to volume production is a two year process. Design wins per quarter were approximately 50 per quarter in 2008, 75 per quarter in 2009, and 110 per quarter in 2010. The firm received a triple digit number of design wins in the quarter, which will likely benefit the firm in 2012 and beyond.

On June 5, 2011 TowerJazz announced that it completed its previously announced acquisition of Micron Technology’s fabrication facility in Nishiwaki City, Hyogo, Japan. The acquisitions will nearly double TowerJazz’s current internal manufacturing capacity, increasing production by 60,000 wafers per month.

The Micron deal should also strengthen the company's presence in the Asia-Pacific region as it is likely IDM’s in the area would want a partner close by. Reading between the lines we feel the deal will help margins eventually, but perhaps not until 2013. 19.7 million shares for increasing your revenues by 80% is dilution we can live with. The first two years will operate with a cost plus model, which will allow the facility to be 80% utilized while the firm builds up a clientele. We feel this is a positive as new facilities can be a drain until the firm fills excess capacity.

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