Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Corpse of Economy (E278)

[youtube 0Mb-1P_rWEw] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss Dr Bernanke’s hologram and his real tsunami of money. In the second half of the show Max talks to Alec Empire of Atari Teenage Riot about copyright, Anonymous and free speech and the armed government goons sent to shakedown grannies. KR on FB: […]

Max Keiser

Zombies & Money Ghetto

[youtube zWV9TLDzn0Q] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: Watch full Keiser Report E278 later today! In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss Dr Bernanke’s hologram and his real tsunami of money. In the second half of the show Max talks to Alec Empire of Atari Teenage Riot about copyright, Anonymous and free speech and the armed government goons sent to shakedown grannies. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Vicious Circle of Bankster Huddles (ft. Matt Taibbi) (E277)

[youtube CBxBtK-2XJc] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss huddles and cuddles with the Goombahs of Wall Street and the technical violations that cannot be called by name. In the second half of the show Max talks to Rolling Stone journalist, Matt Taibbi, about the Wall Street mafia, their small and big time rackets and the process of writing these crime stories for a wide audience. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Meets Schiff Report 4.0 (E276)

[youtube 8H7-P2OSVRY] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss the Fukushima of Central Bank quantitative easing policies and the blowfish that is more deadly than a Goldman Sachs CDO. In the second half of the show Max talks to investor, author and radio show host, Peter Schiff about gold, the dollar and Japanese monetary policy. KR on FB: […]

Max Keiser

Peter Schiff: Ben Bernanke completely clueless!

[youtube zDDbgBK6V0M] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: Watch the full Keiser Report 276 on Tuesday. In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss the Fukushima of Central Bank quantitative easing policies and the blowfish that is more deadly than a Goldman Sachs CDO. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Too Broke To Go Broke (E275)

[youtube 4vGaMOR8RHU] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss the hot topic of currency wars in China and Americans being too broke to go broke while hoping to outrun the global flash crash. In the second half of the show Max talks to Rick Ackerman of Rick’s Picks newsletter. They discuss flash crashes, market making, options trading, manipulating markets and more. […]

Max Keiser

High-frequency trading… on acid!

[youtube wFubONa5a6I] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: Watch the full Keiser Report E275 on Saturday. In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss the hot topic of currency wars in China and Americans being too broke to go broke while hoping to outrun the global flash crash. In the second half of the show Max talks to Rick Ackerman of Rick’s Picks newsletter. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Somali Style! (E274)

[youtube XAJnAJNvHAw] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert debt fondue and Central Banks. They also talk about Somalia’s stable shilling and the lesson it holds for Europe. In the second half of the show Max talks to professor and economist, Constantin Gurdgiev about the new book of essays he’s edited – What if Ireland defaults? […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Anti-Bank Currency (E272)

[youtube ujdWCXxGC9g] In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss getting Zhou Tonged and Jamie Dimon-ed in financial markets. They also discuss bucket shop derivatives, a debit card repo scam and a compound of morons and regulatory flatulence. In the second half of the show Max talks to Michel Bauwens of the P2P Foundation about bitcoin in the virtual world and about pseudo abundance and artificial scarcity in the real world […]

Max Keiser

Why people hate the banks

[youtube KGlBpyK0YmI] Watch the full Keiser Report E272 on Saturday. In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss getting Zhou Tonged and Jamie Dimon-ed in financial markets. They also discuss bucket shop derivatives, a debit card repo scam and a compound of morons and regulatory flatulence […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Angel Dust for Ponzi-Addicts (E271)

[youtube Xi2owPhUgJY] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss Ben Bernanke’s ‘happy dust’ and Angela Merkel’s ‘red lines’ cause ire in BRICS trade partners. In the second half of the show Max talks to Jim Rickards about a BRICS currency, gold and the fog of currency war. KR on FB: […]

Max Keiser

Boomers wave bye-bye to retirement savings

[youtube ZaJl7-ItXlE] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: Watch the full Keiser Report 271 on Thursday. In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss Ben Bernanke’s ‘happy dust’ and Angela Merkel’s ‘red lines’ cause ire in BRICS trade partners. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Kamikaze Banking (E269)

[youtube iLM8p23NNS4] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss global economic passengers strapping on the parachutes to protect themselves from central bankers going berserk and the rich getting richer. In the second half of the show Max talks to Aaron Krowne of about transferring fraudulent mortgages to the Federal Housing Administration and getting SLAPPd for reporting on it. […]

Max Keiser

Bankers, grannies & cocaine

[youtube WZnejCMzxY0] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: Watch the full Keiser Report 269 on Saturday. In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss global economic passengers strapping on the parachutes to protect themselves from central bankers going berserk and the rich getting richer. In the second half of the show Max talks to Aaron Krowne of about transferring fraudulent mortgages to the Federal Housing Administration and getting SLAPPd for reporting on it. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Backstage Wall Street (E268)

[youtube iT2MU14M9FQ] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: Watch the full Keiser Report 268 on Thursday. In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss multi-camera fraud live from Parliament, push button autocracy from the global central banks and losing granny’s 5000 peanut butter money on Wall Street. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Selective Amnesia for Brokers & Murderers (E266)

[youtube aJsgYnPs6qU] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss Irish stoicism and social ostracism, boycotts and ponzis and the banking practices of Chuckie. In the second half of the show Max talks to independent journalist, Lars Schall, about his recently published investigation into insider trading around the 9-11 terrorist attack as well as his pursuit of Germany’s elusive gold reserves. KR on FB: […]

Max Keiser

Banker-buster bomb: Irish light the fuse!

[youtube n4l7yH193Ao] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: Watch the full Keiser Report 266 on Saturday. In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss Irish stoicism and social ostracism, boycotts and ponzis and the banking practices of Chuckie. In the second half of the show Max talks to independent journalist, Lars Schall, about his recently published investigation into insider trading around the 9-11 terrorist attack as well as his pursuit of Germany’s elusive gold reserves. […]

Max Keiser

Keiser Report: Rip out eyes, tear off head (E263)

[youtube P3AB6Vv97k8] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss ripping out client eyeballs and losing millions for a free breakfast; maggots of risk and plastic financial apartheid. In the second half of the show Max talks to filmmakers William Gagan and Geoff Shively about their crowd funded journey to Syria and ‘fake’ activists and, with the introduction of anti-free speech laws in Chicago, the filmmakers discuss the small drone helicopters they have acquired for reporting on the NATO summit. […]

Max Keiser

Paying cash for coffee? You are a terrorist!

[youtube BqQSY1rBlT4] Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: Watch the full Keiser Report E263 on Saturday. In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss ripping out client eyeballs and losing millions for a free breakfast; maggots of risk and plastic financial apartheid. In the second half of the show Max talks to filmmakers William Gagan and Geoff Shively about their crowd funded journey to Syria and ‘fake’ activists and, with the introduction of anti-free speech laws in Chicago, the filmmakers discuss the small drone helicopters they have acquired for reporting on the NATO summit. […]