What Will Year-End & 2015 Gold Prices Look Like? – Gary Wagner | OUTLOOK 2015

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As Kitco News’ Outlook 2015 coverage continues, we end the week with none other than Gary Wagner and Chart This! Touching briefly on the Fed announcement Wednesday, Wagner said that he saw some real transparency come out of the meeting. “I saw this as bearing some real transparency that rates aren’t going to be raised, at least in the first quarter of next year,” he said. He also noted how it was interesting that market technicians and analysts would focus and dissect one word so deeply – that word being ‘patience’. Wagner also prepared a special year-end and first-quarter 2015 analysis for viewers as he plots out gold’s movements into 2015. Join Gary and see what levels he’s looking as gold ushers in the new year. Kitco News, December 19, 2014.

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