The U.S. Economy Cannot Survive Without QE – Doug Casey Protégé

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Doug Casey’s ‘globetrotting protégé’ Nick Giambruno joins Kitco News at the Grand Cayman Liberty Forum to talk about gold, fiat currencies and how investors can look at diversifying political risk in their portfolios. “If you’re looking to reduce your political risk…probably the easiest thing you can do is take your fiat money, which is obviously in the control of government, and put it in something that’s recognized universally, all around the world, like gold,” he says. He adds that he doesn’t care much for the volatility in the gold market because he really takes a long-term view when investing in the yellow metal. “I like to hold physical gold in safe jurisdiction,” he says. “I like to hold gold in private vaults in Singapore. I also like to invest in junior mining companies.” He adds that he thinks it’s a great buying opportunity for mining stocks now. Tune in now to hear more from Giambruno to see why he things QE4 are in the cards for the Us economy and why he invests in some of the most unconventional stock exchanges. Kitco News, November 19, 2014.

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