Gold Will Take Rocket Ship Back Up – Peter Schiff | Kitco News

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Are Russia and Europe buying more gold? Will the Swiss vote ‘yes’ in its gold referendum? Is there a chance for QE4? Peter Schiff is on Kitco News to comment on some of the most recent headlines surrounding the gold market and also to share his thoughts on the U.S. economy. The Euro Pacific CEO says the U.S. recovery isn’t real and adds that the dollar is only strong because all other currencies are weak. “I think people are worried about the Yen, about the Euro so the dollar wins by default…It’s only because of the euphoric effects of our last round of QE haven’t worn off yet.” Schiff adds that he doesn’t think the Fed will raise rates because they want to, but rather because the central bank will be put in a corner with a sinking dollar and accelerated inflation. “Gold is going to $5,000,” Schiff says. “I think when this decline is over…I think gold is going to take a rocket ship back up.” Tune in now to see why he thinks that this is the best fundamental environment for gold he’s ever seen, and why he thinks this deflation scare may be a hoax. Kitco News, November 18, 2014.

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