Gold Still My Focus: Adrian Day | Grand Cayman Liberty Forum

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(Cayman Islands) – Continuing Kitco News’ coverage of the Grand Cayman Liberty Forum, Daniela Cambone sits with Adrian Day to see how he feels about current gold prices and what he makes of all the ‘easing’ going around in the world. In the U.S., although markets expect the Federal Reserve to start tightening its monetary policy soon, Day disagrees. “I think that expectation is totally overblown in the sense that monetary policy in the U.S. remains extremely easy,” he adds. Despite the Fed’s recent tapering, Day says that there has actually been no ‘shrinking’ in the central bank’s balance sheet. He explains that his focus is still on gold because, unlike the other metals, gold has the ability to perform well in a deflationary environment. Tune in now to hear his comments on the mining sector as well as why he thinks former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan’s recent comments were ‘disingenuous.’ Kitco News, November 17, 2014.

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