What’s the best method to trade futures.. I am going to show you now.

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The beauty of what I am trying to accomplish this month is to eliminate the emotional side of things like doubting an entry or second guessing yourself, It all falls under the same category “Confidence”

Now with a detailed road map of High Probability Patterns and clear reasoning behind why the market act the way they do. We have evened the playing field. Over the next month I will break down each days chart and point out all the HPS patterns and we will trade those using the Stage5Platform and trading down. You can download the platform here Stage5trading Demo Platform and follow along. I am excited to discuss the first week of the set ups I do things better on video as I can go over a lot more info then typing so this video will cover the first week Hope you enjoy it and I think you will be pretty impressed.

Day trading rockstar John Kurisko of Day Trading Radio shares his trades live on his daily radio show.

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