The Stars & Planets Don’t Like Gold: Halloween Special

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It’s Halloween and who better to bring on the show to help celebrate than our favorite financial astrologer Mahendra Sharma who is not so bullish on gold these days. “I don’t want to bring too much optimism,” he says. “At this stage, I still feel that gold will struggle until next May.” He adds that it may be best to purchase gold in euro or Swiss franc terms because he expects the currencies to fall by around 20% this year. Looking at other markets, Sharma says his astro-charts show the U.S. dollar will move higher and that base metals may begin to see gains. He adds that although he would stay away from gold and silver investments for a bit, he sees a buying opportunity coming in palladium soon. “[It is] very difficult for gold to cross $1,250…if $1,190 is taken out…my astro-chart is indicating that…it can go to $1,000.” Tune in now for our Halloween special with Mahendra Sharma! Kitco News, October 31, 2014.

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