The Economy Is ‘Barely Fixed,’ No QE4 In Sight – Greg Weldon

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Greg Weldon of Weldon Financial has been critical of the Federal Reserve, and now Kitco News wants to know how he feels about the central bank prior to the highly anticipated FOMC statement, due for release in just a few minutes. “I think the Fed’s next move would be to further reign in forward guidance as it relates to future rate hikes,” he says. Commenting on potential QE4, Greg says that another round of quantitative easing is at least ‘two steps away’ and adds that if the market is pinning its hopes on more easing, it will be disappointed. “And I think that applies to Europe as well.” Tune in now to see what he thinks about gold prices and how he sees the Fed affecting the metals markets moving forward. Kitco News, October 29, 2014.

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