Don’t Let Others Tell Your Narrative – Peeta Planet TV (Dubai One)

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How did two guys from Dubai become moderators at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting? Kitco News’ Daniela Cambone sits with Mohamad & Peyman Al Awadhi, founders of Peeta Planet, to discuss their journey to becoming the hosts of one of the most important panel discussions of the conference. The Al Awadhi brothers sat alongside President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton, and Oscar-winning actor Matt Damon. The hosts of the award-winning series Peeta Planet shared their insights on the Middle East and had one clear message, “What you see on the news [about the region] is a fraction of the Middle Eastern society[…] when you let others tell your narrative, then you’re at their mercy.” Kitco News | New York, September 25, 2014.

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