Introducing Cognac D’USSE

Introducing Cognac D’USSE

A New, Bold Expression of Cognac on Selective National Release This Summer

Chairman’s Trophy Award Winner in the 2012 Ultimate Cocktail Challenge

PR Newswire

MIAMI, July 30, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — D’USSE™, the newest innovation in Cognac, today announces its official brand launch in the United States. D’USSE, pronounced “dew-say,” is a bold new Cognac expression masterfully crafted in the cellars of the Chateau de Cognac – a home with a 200-year legacy of creating some of the world’s finest Cognacs.

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D’USSE garnered significant buzz among press and high-profile influencers and celebrities via a series of exclusive New York City previews, and earned its place as a new favorite among spirits industry elite by winning the Chairman’s Trophy for its exceptional performance in Paul Pacult‘s Ultimate Cocktail Challenge*. The D’USSE Cognac range will launch with a unique VSOP (Very Superior Old Pale) “quality” slated to hit shelves through a tiered local market roll-out strategy, beginning with New York in June and expanding to additional cities in the fall. The brand will introduce additional D’USSE Cognac expressions after establishing itself with its bold new VSOP offering.

“We are delighted to announce the launch of D’USSE Cognac,” said Giles Woodyer, brand managing director of D’USSE. “With such a rich history in Cognac making, we feel there is an opportunity for a new player to shake up the category with a well-crafted, high quality Cognac. It is the perfect time to release a new expression that is distinctly different and will appeal to Cognac enthusiasts.”

D’USSE is a uniquely powerful Cognac that delivers a bold flavor and a smooth finish. This remarkable liquid starts with an intense aroma unlike any other Cognac on the market, rich in woody aromas that are then backed by touches of cinnamon and floral notes. The taste delivers subtle accents of honey and dried fruits. The combination of its bold flavor, smooth finish and honey notes represent a differentiated taste that sets it apart from other known Cognacs.

D’USSE is the vision and passion of Cellar Master, Monsieur Michel Casavecchia. “After years as the curator at the Chateau de Cognac, I was given the opportunity to put my blending skills to the test,” said Casavecchia. “I developed my own vision of a distinctively bold, yet remarkably smooth Cognac. With an appreciation for the heavy responsibility that goes along with every decision in the Cognac making process, I was honored to set forth an important legacy with D’USSE.”

D’USSE Cognac derives its distinguished smoothness and roundness from the humid cellars located deep in the lower levels of the Chateau. These cellars are protected by French stone walls that are three meters thick. These walls interact harmoniously with the nearby Charente River climate to maintain a constant temperature of 59 degrees along with 90 percent humidity year round – which creates the ideal atmosphere for aging Cognac.

D’USSE VSOP will retail for a suggested retail price $44.99 for a 750mL and will be supported by a fully integrated launch plan inclusive of advertising/media, public relations, experiential and trade activations, and brand education.

*Please see the following link for a full list of results from the Ultimate Cocktail Challenge:


D’USSE [dew-say] is a bold new expression of Cognac that dares the palate like never before. Born from the prestigious Chateau de Cognac, France, D’USSE blends over 200 years of tradition with the inspiration of a passionate Cellar Master who set out to create his own legacy. The result is a uniquely powerful, authentic Cognac that starts off with distinguished intensity and then gives way to a pleasantly smooth, balanced finish.

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