Max Keiser: Financial holocaust looms as Germany storms Greece

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Protesters in Athens are clashing with police, some throwing stones and Molotov cocktails. Greece’s coalition government managed to agree on a new austerity deal their creditors demanded.

But Eurozone finance ministers say they want to see concrete action before the second bailout worth 130 billion Euros can be handed over. The Greek Parliament is expected to vote on Sunday. But a junior coalition member says he will not back the new plan.

RT talks to Max Keiser, financial analyst and host of the Keiser Report.

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Max Keiser is a former broker and options trader but more recently a respected news and market analysis pundit. He appears on independent media networks like RTT and AL Jazerra and is well known for uncovering cronyism and predicting major trends on his show the Keiser Report. Videos provided by and © Max Keiser or RTT.

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