At Least 50% Of Your Portfolio Should Be In Gold: NYT Bestseller Robert Ringer

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(Cayman Islands) – Why should investors hold at least 50% gold in their portfolio? Kitco News speaks with American icon and New York bestselling author Robert Ringer to find out. “First of all, I’m not in the investment business, I don’t give investment advice but I’ve said for a good 35 years…buy gold, buy as much as you could possibly buy because gold is money,” he told Daniela Cambone. “Don’t measure the price of gold by dollars, measure the value of dollars by gold, so gold doesn’t change its value. When it goes up, it reflects how much less the dollar is worth.” Commenting on the recent end of the Fed’s QE program, Ringer says “I think that it’s more lying. That’s what governments do for a living, they lie.” Tune in now to find out if he thinks QE4 is still in the cards for the U.S. economy. Kitco News, November 17, 2014.

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