California’s Clean Tech "Game Changers" Announced

California’s Clean Tech “Game Changers” Announced

Nineteen Companies Receive Top Honors as Leader’s In State’s Clean Tech Industry

PR Newswire

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Oct. 11, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Nineteen California companies have been chosen as the 2011 “Game Changers of the Year” in Clean Technology by Grow-California for their impact on California‘s green industry. The award winners were selected from more than 200 nominees.

Each company will receive “Game Changer of the Year” awards at the Clean Tech Innovation Conference at the Kaiser Center, in downtown Oakland, November 2nd and 3rd.

“The Selection Committee was faced with the difficult decision to choose from a comprehensive list of over 200 quality nominees,” said Neil Paschall, Selection Committee Chair and a Managing Director with the national investment banking firm, McLean Group, LLC. He added, “We reached out to investors, academia and other professionals in the clean tech industry for input to make our final decisions. As a result, the selected honorees are true leaders in the sector and are an excellent representation of California‘s leading role in clean tech research and development.”

The Clean Tech Innovation Conference comes at a time when many political and industry leaders have been advocating support for green technology to create much-needed jobs, improve the economy and lessen our demand on fossil fuels. Yet, the recent failure of Solyndra and other clean tech firms have caused some to question whether the California clean tech industry will continue to grow and become the sustainable economic driver that supporters claim.

“This is an elite group of clean tech innovators who represent California‘s path forward for maintaining its leadership role and the exciting economic potential the industry can provide for generations to come,” said Jon Gregory, chief executive officer, of Grow-California. He added, “The reality is that there are a number of clean tech companies thriving in California because of their vision, leadership and ability to transform innovative ideas into reality.”

The 2011 Clean Technology Game Changers are:



MBA Polymers, Richmond

Innovation in Environmental Recycling

Project Frog, San Francisco

Green Building Innovation

SynapSense, Folsom

Technology and Energy Efficiency Innovation

Amyris Biotechnologies, Emeryville

Innovation in Green Transportation

LS9, South San Francisco

Most Innovative Clean Tech Start Up

Solar City, San Mateo

Innovation in Solar Technology

Google Green, Mountain View

Raising Capital for Clean Tech Innovation

Solazyme, Inc., South San Francisco

Innovation in Renewable Biofuel

Sungevity, Oakland

Innovation in Cleantech Marketing & Sales

Sapphire Energy, San Diego

Innovation in Public/Private Partnerships

Lundberg Family Farms, Richvale

Innovation in Energy and Agriculture

Tesla Motors, Palo Alto

Innovation in Energy Storage

Bloom Energy, Sunnyvale

Innovation in Power Quality

eMeter, San Mateo

Innovation in Smart Grid Technology

Adura Technologies, San Francisco

Innovation in Lighting Control

Lucid, Oakland

Innovation in Clean Energy Education

Lemnis Lighting, San Francisco

Innovation in LED Technology

Energy Recovery, Inc., San Leandro

Innovation in Energy and Water

Waste Management, Inc., Oakland

Innovation in Energy Investment and Financing

Grow-California, the conference organizer, is dedicated to fostering jobs and creating wealth in California by connecting entrepreneurs, growth companies and market leaders with talent, capital and customers. For more information about the conference or the “Game Changer” winners, visit:

SOURCE Grow-California

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